FREE Kids Ministry Leadership Course - Self-Paced, One-Year.

Are you ready to take your kids ministry to the next level? Do you have a passion for serving the youngest members of your church community? If so, we have an exciting opportunity for you. Welcome to the Kids Ministry Leadership Training, a self-paced, comprehensive course designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to lead a successful kids’ ministry in your church.

Kids ministry leadership training for free course

Why Choose Kids’ Ministry Leadership Training?

You might be wondering why you should invest your time and energy in leadership training for kids ministry. Here's why this course could be the game-changer for you:

1. Empowerment Through Knowledge

This course has been carefully crafted by seasoned practitioners from various churches and ministries across Canada. These experts have poured their knowledge and experience into this course, providing you with a wealth of insights and practical wisdom. Whether you're a seasoned kids ministry leader or just starting out, this training will empower you with the knowledge you need to excel.

2. Flexibility and Self-Paced Learning

We understand that you have a busy schedule, and committing to a traditional certification program can be challenging. That's why we've designed this course to be self-paced, allowing you to learn at your own speed. You can easily integrate your studies into your daily routine, making it accessible for everyone, regardless of their commitments.

3. Accessible Resources

We've made this course free to all kids ministry leaders, staff, and volunteers. We believe that everyone involved in ministering to the next generation should have access to quality resources and training. This isn't just a certification program; it's a valuable resource for anyone passionate about children's ministry.

4. Bilingual Learning Experience

To reach an even wider audience, we offer this course in both English and French. Language should never be a barrier to learning, and we're committed to making this training accessible to as many people as possible.


What You'll Learn

The Kids Ministry Leadership Training is divided into two semesters, each covering a range of critical topics for kids’ ministry leaders. Here's a sneak peek at some of the modules you'll explore:

Semester 1:

  • Leaders and the Children They Serve: Understanding your role, personal relationship with God, and advocating for children's ministry.

  • Character and Accountability: Building character, discipleship, and preventing abuse.

  • Having a Plan for Ministry: Setting goals, developing a mission statement, and improving yourself for life and ministry.

  • Building Your Team: Recruitment, training, and honoring volunteers.

  • Children and Development: Understanding the formative years, spiritual and theological development, and fostering spiritual growth in children.

Semester 2:

  • Life in the Spirit: Exploring the role of the Holy Spirit, spiritual gifts, and the fruit of the Spirit.

  • Teaching Strategies: Learning effective teaching methods, understanding the Bible as one story, and creative teaching techniques.

  • Tips from the Classroom: Managing large and small group settings, discipline, and ministering to kids with special needs.

  • Reaching Out: Teaching children to care about others, planning events, and ministering to children at risk.

  • Ministering to Children and Their Families: Understanding the family's role in faith, ministry to families, and support during crises.

  • Advancing Children's Ministry: Evaluating your ministry, budgeting, and taking your children's ministry to the next level.

Continued Learning and Growth

The Kids Ministry Leadership Training is not just a one-time experience; it's a springboard for continued learning and growth. It's about embracing the idea that we can always grow in our ministry, no matter how experienced we are.

Whether you're a seasoned kids ministry leader or just starting your journey, this program will provide you with fresh insights, practical tools, and the confidence to lead with excellence.

Ready to Get Started?

If you're ready to embark on this exciting journey of growth and empowerment in kids ministry leadership, simply click the link below to access the training. And remember, this training is available to everyone, so feel free to share this opportunity with your fellow kids ministry leaders.

We can't wait to see the positive impact your enhanced leadership will have on your children's ministry and your church community as a whole. Let's build momentum together in serving and nurturing the next generation.


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